Government Benefits Planning


Your firm cannot afford to get bogged down providing needs-based government benefit education to all of your clients.


Too often, clients in both single event and mass tort cases do not receive adequate education about how to preserve needs-based government benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, etc.).

Your firm cannot afford to get bogged down providing needs-based government benefit education to all of your clients.

This was the catalyst for the creation of the Government Benefit Preservation Group.

At the Government Benefit Preservation Group, we provide education to your clients about how to maintain their government benefits after receiving a settlement.

If the client has any questions, they can call and speak to one of our attorneys (at no additional cost). If a client wishes to set up a special needs trust or another tool to preserve his or her benefits, we work directly with the client and walk the client through the entire process.

Our streamlined process preserves your clients' benefits and limits your firm's liability.

Preserving Your Clients' Medicaid, SSI, & Other Benefits.

Limiting Your Liability.